TOP 5 summer jobs for female students

15.08.22 17:28915

Summer is a wonderful time not only for relaxation, but also a good way to earn money. But where can a young and charming student get a job? Many young girls who have come to large cities from the provinces and strive for financial prosperity face this question.

We will tell you about the five most popular vacancies that will help you earn a good income without spending a lot of time on work.

Popular vacancies in a big city

In many large cities, provincial girls go to their homeland in the summer. But this time can be spent more productively if you find a good part-time job. We will share with you the most popular and highly paid vacancies:

  1. Hostess. A simple activity that any student can handle. But the job requires observing the dress code of a nightclub and having a well-delivered speech. A hostess is always required in bars, hookah bars, night clubs and other entertainment venues, including during presentations, exhibitions, forums. The girl must meet a number of requirements. First of all, she must have attractive appearance, since she is the face of the establishment. The hostess's responsibilities include meeting guests and resolving any organizational issues related to providing a table or confirming a reservation. The salary is up to 1,500 rubles per shift;
  2. Consumation. This is another popular job for a girl in a nightclub. Consumation involves communicating with visitors with the purpose of "promoting" them to buy alcoholic beverages. Usually, consummators are required in nightclubs, the girl's earnings are a fixed percentage of the customer's check. A sociable person can earn up to 2,000 rubles per shift;
  3. Animator in an entertainment center. This vacancy involves working with children, so the girl must have endurance and patience. Sometimes the format of the establishment involves long-term active employment, but the pay for the part-time job is good - up to 600 rubles per hour;
  4. Staff in an amusement park. Students are always hired for this summer part-time job, whose responsibilities include selling tickets and monitoring visitors. A student in an amusement park can earn up to 1,500 rubles per day;
  5. Waitress in a cafe. Many establishments open terraces and verandas in the summer, the flow of visitors increases, so temporary workers are needed. A girl can earn up to 2,000 rubles per shift, many generous visitors also pay good tips.

There are plenty of options for summer part-time jobs in large cities. Female students can work in any field of activity - this is not only the service and entertainment industry, but also food delivery, distribution of advertising booklets and brochures.

In-demand work at sea

hostess at sea

But if you do not want to spend the summer in a hot and stuffy metropolis, then you can also find a part-time job at a summer resort. For students, both in southern cities, there is a huge amount of work:

  • Hostess at a beach resort or in a hotel. The work involves constant communication with visitors and clients, so the girl must have good communication skills. It is important to be friendly to all people, regardless of their age and gender. Hostesses earn between 1,500 and 2,000 rubles per day;
  • Waitresses and assistant cooks in a summer catering establishment. The job does not require education, but the schedule is intense, since it involves work in the evening. Many establishments at seaside resorts turn into night clubs, so you will also have to work night shifts. But the pay is quite good, a girl can earn up to 2,500 rubles;
  • Go-go and striptease dancers. If you have the relevant experience, you can easily get a job in a nightclub. The main requirement is that you must be of legal age. Pay up to 3,000 rubles per shift;
  • Escort for wealthy men. You can find work in this area through a modeling agency. Many men take attractive young girls with them on vacation. The salary for escorting is quite high and can reach 5,000 rubles for one event. But the girl goes through a rigorous selection process before getting a job;
  • Salesperson in an amusement park or retail establishment. The salary depends on the amount of sales per day, usually it is a fixed percentage of the total check.

Tags: work for girls in their spare time escort vacancies

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